Jacaranda 94.2 joined the fight against the ruthless poaching of rhinos in 2010. In 2011, the station remains resolute in not only supplying and upgrading anti-poaching equipment where it's most needed, but now also making sure that officials are kitted with top-notch knowhow! In October 2010 Jacaranda 94.2 held a phenomenally successful Rhino telethon, with the...

JOHANNESBURG - Stamping out rhino poaching is being taken on by Jacaranda 94.2 and more than two million listeners. Spearheaded by the station’s Martin Bester and Barney Simon, the station will team up with organisa-ions such as Stoprhinopoaching.com to spread information on the cause, raise funds and create platforms to enable conservationists to drive their causes...