You will have heard that there is no ‘silver bullet’ to end rhino poaching and that it’s an incredibly complex battle. Never have truer words been spoken. Since the start of the poaching epidemic in 2008 South Africa has lost thousands of rhinos – a figure that, despite so much effort, remains far too high. Coupled with the increasing poaching figure comes the question – why after all this are we still losing more rhino than ever? Sadly, few people realise the challenges facing those on the frontlines. At this stage the poachers have the upper hand – they know when, they know how, and if need be they’ll just come back another day or hit a softer target. It literally is a case of one-by-one until there are none.
Poachers are resourceful and use every possible element to their advantage. Reserve size, terrain, vegetation, weather (extreme heat, cold, thunderstorms,) road networks and access control are some of the elements that go into their planning. A small team, usually two or three men but it varies, carrying a weapon, some large calibre ammunition, a backpack, an axe and knives, a few old cell phones and the desire to make money can wreck deadly havoc in a reserve. Equipped with basic staples of water, bread and perhaps a few cans of tinned fish, poachers infiltrate for up to a few days surviving on their bush skills and the bare minimum. If they manage to avoid being detected by rangers – like tracks found or gun shots heard – they could manage to kill a few rhinos per trip. In smaller reserves where the risk of detection is high, poachers orchestrate shallow hit and run attacks and will often be back over the fence before rangers even get to the scene.
Anti-poaching teams bear the full brunt of the poaching scourge, with rangers in targeted areas coming into contact with poachers on a daily or weekly basis. While rangers are governed by strict rules of engagement, poachers are armed (with weapons for their own personal defence – or the hunting rifle) and will not hesitate to shoot on sight. The community upliftment from poaching profits in some areas is evident, with poachers openly call themselves ‘professional hunters’ and poacher bosses becoming the untouchable “Robin Hoods” by creating “jobs” in their communities. In other areas through a westernised way of life, fast money and self-enrichment of big houses, fast cars, women and alcohol have attracted unsavoury elements into once peaceful, proudly traditional, poor but functioning communities. Contrary to popular belief, not all poachers are driven by poverty. Criminals involved in cash-in-transit heists, vehicle hijacking, ATM bombing, gunrunners, murder and other aggressive crimes have also become involved – significantly increasing the mortal threat to rangers and rhinos alike.
There is no shortage of new recruits and poachers are quickly replaced. Excellent co-ordination by poaching bosses and co-operative alliances between various poaching groups empower them to be more effective at poaching, enabled by deeply entrenched corruption at every level. This includes betrayal at the heart of our reserves – insider involvement that enables the poaching groups. Be it a guard at a gate that gives access to poachers, a ranger on the poacher payroll or a member of the kitchen staff that hides a weapon under a bed, the lure of “easy money” – and lots of it – can quickly sway a moral compass. Money made from illicit gain will always outweigh that of a legitimate wage, and the corroding of our institutions from internal corruption is very difficult to pinpoint let alone prove. The multi-pronged, multi-disciplinary, multi-agency law enforcement strategy combined with an all-of-government and whole-of-society approach required to finding lasting solutions to an ever-evolving problem like rhino poaching is so complex that even now – so many years down the line – we have made some (but too little) progress.
Ongoing, well-coordinated intelligence-led arrests aimed at poaching bosses and their local Vietnamese/Chinese buyers would go a long way to bringing the numbers down. Coupled with an expedited court process and strong sentences, our authorities could be sending out a strong message. Sadly, our failing systems, lack of political will and leadership, apathy and indifference, inter-agency politics, slow court processes and deeply embedded corruption are playing right into the hands of the poachers. It is here that our South African Police Services (SAPS) have yet to commit sufficient enforcement capacity. While the existing SAPS members working on cases – all unsung heroes – do their utmost to bring poachers to book, there are just far too few police members to deal with the existing case load let alone get on top of new cases. Daily challenges include lack of information sharing, trust issues and a high case load compounded by ongoing and relentless poaching activities – often with very little evidence left at the crime scene, which can be days to months old and at the mercy of the environment. Although there has always been great emphasis on Mozambique and the situation in the Kruger National Park, the damage being caused by entrenched local South African organised crime gangs is of grave concern.
All these factors that make up the complex web of challenges that need to be tackled. While our focus is on the future of the rhino, the bigger question will ultimately be – what will it take to secure a future for our wildlife? will continue to channel funding towards specific projects, putting as much as we can into areas containing larger rhino populations that are managed by DEDICATED and RESPONSIBLE conservation minded rhino owners/custodians. There are many groups doing their best in areas where they can make a difference. Some days are soul destroying, the sheer vastness and cruelty of what we are up against is overwhelming, but no matter how bad it gets we have to keep on trying. No matter what, all of you, please don’t give up.
"There is a quote by Albert Einstein which says, “The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing”. Since its inception in 2010, Stop Rhino Poaching and Elise have certainly not sat back and done nothing! I have been fortunate to be involved with Elise since 2012 and am always taken aback by her commitment, dedication and passion not only for Rhino conservation and protection but for the people entrusted with this responsibility. Elise has stayed true to her motto of Trust, Collaboration and Impact and forged relationships between different Rhino Mangers, Section Rangers and Field Rangers on the ground and in doing so has brought us all together – sharing ideas and all working towards a common goal. By carefully understanding and listening to the needs of the Rangers at the forefront of Rhino poaching, Elise has channelled her support and funding to where it is needed most and makes a difference and perhaps more importantly, looking at sustainable ways to support Rhino and Rangers long into the future."
"SRP is one of the most effective,organized and well balanced NGOs I ever interacted or worked with! Keep up the good work! "
"I was introduced to anti-poaching K9's through Elise from SRP about 10 years ago. At that time Elise told me that my K9 working career will never be the same again. With the support and exposure I received from Elise through SRP I am privileged to have trained a high number of K9's for different people in Africa. I have met amazing people on the frontlines and visit astonishing places. Through SRP I am not only living my calling and passion but also giving back to rhinos, wildlife and communities. "
"The most refreshing aspect of SRP support is the pragmatic manner in which problems are tackled and solutions are found. There is always a genuine desire to make a difference however big or small that may be. SRP further, goes to a lot of effort to understand the issues that really count to the men and women on the ground, and at the coalface of rhino protection and conservation. We have found SRP to be of high integrity and a great team player with huge commitment, not only to the rhinos but very importantly to the people who are responsible for protecting and managing Southern Africa’s rhinos. "
"I met this blonde lady with heavy energy, like in next level energy. Her passion and drive is overwhelming, it spikes a different kind of emotion in me, we CAN do this. Needless to say, 11 years down the line, I am still very fortunate to call this lady my friend, Elise Serfontein. Her passion for not only persevering, but health, morale, stability and much more amongst rangers on the ground has made her the iron lady of the decade. You only know the true value of a person if you know where the heart is, SRP is one massive rhino heart. Without their dedication, out of the box forward thinking, new technology implementation, that special bond that they build with the reserve and you as person, much would not have been possible. A very challenging time lays ahead of us, we must be realistic. But with friends and true passionate rhino and ranger conservationist like SRP, we are willing to take the leap with them and explore the next move. We'll done SRP and Elise, we salute you. "