"I met this blonde lady with heavy energy, like in next level energy. Her passion and drive is overwhelming, it spikes a different kind of emotion in me, we CAN do this. Needless to say, 11 years down the line, I am still very fortunate to call this lady my friend, Elise Serfontein. Her passion for not only persevering, but health, morale, stability and much more amongst rangers on the ground has made her the iron lady of the decade. You only know the true value of a person if you know where the heart is, SRP is one massive rhino heart. Without their dedication, out of the box forward thinking, new technology implementation, that special bond that they build with the reserve and you as person, much would not have been possible. A very challenging time lays ahead of us, we must be realistic. But with friends and true passionate rhino and ranger conservationist like SRP, we are willing to take the leap with them and explore the next move. We'll done SRP and Elise, we salute you. "